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Doggie Divorce – How to Co-Own a Pup

Doggie Divorce – How to Co-Own a Pup

Doggie Divorce - How to Co-Own a Pup

Doggie Divorce – How to Co-Own a Pup

We think about how painful it is to end a relationship with those we thought we’d be spending the rest of our lives with. But that’s a reality some of us must face. And when it comes to divorce or separation, things become a bit more complicated if you have a dog. In this blog we dive into Doggie Divorce – How to Co-Own a Pup.

It won’t be that hard to decide if your ex-partner or spouse gives in; perhaps your furry buddy is more attached to you. But what if both of you want to keep the dog?

Because Fido is part of the break-up, decisions must be made about their future. And since you’re in no mood for a legal battle with your ex, we’re here to give you some tips about how to successfully co-own a pup post-divorce or separation.

Who’s the Legal Companion?

The first thing you must figure out is who the dog’s legal owner is. In most cases, the person whose name is on the pet’s registration papers is considered the official owner.

But if you can’t find these documents or your names are both on them, you’ll have to look at other factors to decide. Who bought the dog, who took them to the vet and paid for their vaccinations, and who fed and walked them every day?

These may seem small things, but they can help you figure out who the primary caregiver is. If you are equally attached to your furry friend, then perhaps it’s best to share custody.

Shared Custody of the Dog

Just like with kids, when divorced or separated couples share custody of their dog, there must be a clear schedule outlining when each person gets to spend time with them.

This schedule should consider things like work hours, holidays, and vacations. It’s also important to be flexible and discuss any schedule changes beforehand. Regular checkups with a veterinarian are also necessary, along with reading up on canine behaviour.

If you agree to co-own your dog and have no qualms about giving each other time with the pet, then there’s a better chance of the arrangement working out. But be prepared for any curveballs that come your way; they will happen as they do in most cases.

Discuss Pet Support Payments

If one of you is the primary caregiver, the other person can be asked to make financial support payments for pet-related expenses. This includes food and vet bills.

You may want to set a limit on how much this should cost each month so that it’s fair and doesn’t put too much strain on your budget. You may also consider including a three-month allowance in the initial payment so that you have time to prepare for any unexpected accidents and illnesses.

Pet support in co-owning a pooch usually means splitting medical costs using an income-based formula. This can be difficult, but you will eventually get used to it.

Pet Care Costs in Detail

You probably recognize that the biggest challenge in co-owning a dog is coming up with a reasonable split on the pet care expenses. The way to manage this is by delving into the details.

For instance, group expenses as basic and advanced. The former includes food, treats, and collars, while the latter includes vet bills and crates. Set aside money for each of these things, then decide who pays what.

You may not be able to come up with an exact formula since every dog is different, but you can use a simple rule of thumb, i.e., the person who earns more should pay for the bigger expenses.

Also, it makes sense for the person who has custody at a certain time to cover basic pet care costs, i.e., food and toys.

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Celebrating St. Patrick's Day with your dog.

Travel Issues

What if one of you wants to take a trip and can’t take the dog along? This is where having a pet custody agreement comes in handy. It makes sense to work out a schedule beforehand so that each person knows when they’ll have the dog and can make arrangements accordingly.

If you live close to each other, perhaps the dog can stay with the person who doesn’t travel often. But if you live in different cities or states, it’s best to have a clear custody schedule that you agree on.


If one of you wants to send the dog to daycare, they should cover all related costs. But if it’s your pet and you’d rather have them around during the day, then perhaps it’s best not to send them elsewhere.

Be prepared for arguments when co-owning a pup, but these can be resolved if you’re reasonable and willing to work things out. Don’t think for a second that just because your ex wants your furry friend put in a daycare facility, you have no say in the matter and that they don’t love the pooch.

Also, if you plan to hire a pet sitter or walker, be sure to inform your ex about it, and both of you must agree on who to hire. The last thing you want is to be blamed for not keeping your ex up to date, especially when hiring another person to take care of the dog, even just for several hours.

Putting It in Writing

Now that you’ve come up with a plan, it’s time to put it in writing. This will help avoid any misunderstandings and provide a clear course of action should something go awry.

The written agreement should include things like a custody schedule and how expenses will be split. It should also include any terms you feel are important, and the best way to go about this is by talking to your ex-spouse or partner before writing anything down.

Final Say

The final thoughts of: Doggie Divorce – How to Co-Own a Pup. Although giving up a pup may seem like an impossible task, there’s always a solution. Being open about co-owning a dog is the best way to go about it. With clear communication and good intentions, both parties can smoothly get through this awkward situation.

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